By: Dr. Florence Baingana

One survivor we talked to today, her sister’s husband fell sick. The whole family moved from where they were and came to live with this Lady’s family in West Point. In the house was already the Lady, her husband, her mother, and six children. She also had her younger sister living with her. Then the other sister came with the husband and their two children. The husband of the sister was already sick but they were trying to treat him at home. He begun to vomit and get diarrhea, they tried all they could but he later died. They say they called the “Ebola Car” to collect the body, but it did not come, so they hired a vehicle to take the body for burial. They carried out the burial themselves. Soon after, her sister who was married to this man also fell sick and died. They called the “Ebola Car” they came and collected the body. Then their mother also died. The Ebola People came and took them to the Holding Center. She says as the bodies were in the house, they were told not to sleep in the house. In the process, other people came and stole all their property.