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Sustaining Defenders

African Womn’s Human Rights Defenders and feminist movements across the continent continue to live in and navigate complex and hostile contexts that are fuelled by modes of dominion, including patriarchy, neo-colonialism, religious fundamentalisms, capitalism, racism, fascism, militarism, conflict, violence.

AWHRDs are regularly targeted both for their activism and for who they are.

This reality, coupled with ongoing political, social, environmental, health and economic crises, has pushed AWHRDs and African womn further to the margins of society, deepening existing gender and intersecting structural inequalities.

AWHRDs and feminist movements are bringing about social change with bold, creative, and transformational strategies. They continue to resist, imagine, dream, create, and co-create an Africa that feminists want.

As a pan-African feminist Fund, UAF-Africa stands in solidarity with and supports AWHRDs, individual feminists, and collectives as part of feminist movements in situations requiring urgent actions so that they can continue advancing social change and transformation while sustaining themselves and their activism. The ‘what and how’ of our grantmaking is rooted in our values and shared feminist principles of philanthropy.

Using the Rapid Response Grantmaking mechanism, we provide AWHRDs and their formations with urgent and timely financial and technical resources and solidarity to dismantle oppressive systems, transform power, and change dominant narratives while centring their safety and well-being.

Importantly, we support defenders, particularly in the feminist and womn’s rights movements, in their actions, which enable them to support and sustain themselves, each other and their work before, during, and after urgent situations.

"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion."

- African Proverb

Grant Categories

Supporting and engaging with interrelated broad themes of People, Power, and Planet, the Fund’s Programme operations engage deeply with the following sub-themes:

Grant categories engage with the following sub-themes:

Fostering Cultures of Care
Fostering Cultures of Care
Sustaining Defenders
Sustaining Defenders
Sustaining Defenders
Sustaining Defenders
Transformative Partnerships & Philanthropy
Transformative Partnerships & Philanthropy
Transformative Partnerships & Philanthropy
Transformative Partnerships & Philanthropy
Transformative Partnerships & Philanthropy
Transformative Partnerships & Philanthropy
Feminist Knowledge Leadership
Feminist Knowledge Leadership
Feminist Knowledge Leadership
Feminist Knowledge Leadership

Our Footprint

Urgent Action Fund Africa is a pan-African and Feminist Rapid Response Grant Making Fund. We have resourced more than 5,200 grants with a geographical presence in Africa’s 54 countries.

Collectively, our Board Members and Staff members are physically present in more than 15 African countries and speak more than 46 African languages

The Regions We Fund

  • East Africa
  • West Africa
  • North Africa
  • Central Africa
  • Southern Africa