Who We Are

“An evolving consciousness of our ways of being in the world is as important as the work itself.”
We are an activist pan-African feminist rapid response Fund committed to transforming power relations by resourcing African feminists, AWHRDs, and their formations as an act of solidarity.

With deep and expanding knowledge, experience, and skills in the contexts in which AWHRDs live, organise and work, the Fund is alert and agile in responding to the priorities and urgent needs of African womn’s rights activists and movements, thus ensuring holistic security, safety and well-being, movement building and strengthening using feminist philanthropic principles and values.

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Our collective staff speak forty-six African dialects, enhancing our linguistic infrastructure, which allows us to facilitate critical conversations with the right people when it counts the most.

The virtual work structure with anchor offices in Kenya and Zimbabwe and the rest of the team spread across fifteen African countries facilitates how we show up in agile, dynamic, and grounded ways, centring our feminist values, diverse socio-cultural backgrounds, and multi-disciplinary teams.

In our work to power urgent actions by AWHRDs, we target the ideas and narratives that perpetuate oppression, the systems of oppression, and the supporting institutions. The change we seek is importantly focused on five key actors:

  • Society

    We believe that favourable conditions enable AWHRDs, organisations, and movements to support and sustain themselves, their work, and each other better.

  • Movements

    Movements act on a shared commitment to strengthen urgent actions and co-create cultures of care, justice, and equity.

  • African Womn’s Human Rights Defenders

    AWHRDs can better access and use resources to support and sustain themselves, each other, and their work during and after urgent situations.

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Our Mandate

We are a part of the ecosystem of feminist and womn’s rights movements in Africa and globally.

UAF Africa advocates for funding partners to understand, commit to, and actively invest in pan-African feminist and womn’s rights activism and urgent situations requiring rapid response deployment.

Our Vision

We want an Africa and world where transformative justice is a shared goal so that all African womn in all kinds of bodies, realities, and identities are recognised for their full worth and value, live to their fullest potential, are healthy and live in harmony with the earth and with fellow human beings.

Our Mission

UAF Africa works to support AWHRDs, particularly in the feminist and womn’s rights movements, in their actions, which enable them to support and sustain themselves, each other and their work before, during and after urgent situations.

Collectivity and shared leadership

We share decision-making and power because the collective is central to living a whole and meaningful life. Change happens through collective and co-creation as much as it happens on a personal level. Within this shared leadership, we are deeply conscious of our power as a large, regional institution that can influence donors and mobilise and distribute funding.


We are aware of and celebrate knowledge, learning and wisdom. We bring these values into UAF-Africa. Those we work with are experts and specialists in their areas of work. There is much for us to learn from our partners and friends.


We seek out, embrace, and welcome all womn committed to creating change for and with womn and the African continent. This means that womn of all bodies, identities, and sexual orientations, from all geographies, and with a range of dis/abilities are an integral part of who we are and how we move through the world. Further, we work with and across issues and identities as these are all interconnected and expressed as the daily lived realities of womn.

Our Sister Funds