Call for Proposals
This call for proposals is to invite eligible feminist, womn’s rights organisations, collectives, groups, and movements that are either already supporting or want to support work around SRHR and womn’s bodily integrity, particularly those that target underrepresented and marginalized womn, through systemic change initiatives that cut across thematic areas such as GBV, LBTQI rights and disability justice. Click below for details on how to apply.
Women earn less, have or control fewer assets, bear the most burden of unpaid work and care, and are largely concentrated in vulnerable and low-paying activities. This calls for inclusive economic policy, strengthened womn support systems, increased access to decent work, productive assets, social protection, as well as recognition, redistribution and reduction of care work. UAF-Africa, together with its partners, invests in advancing inclusive just economies, feminist macroeconomic agendas, and (alternative) feminist, green and people-centered economic solutions. Click below for details on how to apply.
This year has seen the continent report a surge in COVID-19 cases which have been fuelled by a new variant of virus reported in some countries in Africa. UAF-Africa is elevating her solidarity and support by expanding her COVID-19 response to ensure feminist and womn’s rights movements in Tanzania lead from the front in fighting coronavirus and its devastating gendered effects.
Click below for details on how to apply.
This call for application is for eligible feminist and womn’s rights organisations, collectives, groups and movements that are either already supporting or want to support a feminist response and recovery from the current impacts of COVID-19 particularly those that target underrepresented and marginalised womn, through systemic change initiatives that cut across different thematic areas.
Click below for details on how to apply.
Womn with disabilities disproportionately live on the brink of extreme poverty, due to significant barriers including, lower rates of formal employment, reliance on informal sectors of work, and lower rates of pay than men with disabilities. In this call for proposals, UAF-Africa is supporting womn human rights defenders with disabilities to address issues on economic justice; bodily autonomy, sexual and reproductive health and rights; bostering cultures of care and knowledge production on impact of COVID-19 on womn with disabilities. Click below for details on how to apply.